Pickleball Vacation Medical Cost Reimbursement

 Playing Pickleball Has a Higher Risk of Injury

Fact 1:  Having any injury will be expensive.

Fact 2:  On a Pickleball Vacation or Pickleball Trip you have the added concern of being away from home, even out of the country.

Likely, your current health insurance will not cover your medical costs. 

Don't take these risks!

Here's Your Pickleball Vacation Medical Benefits:

You are covered from the time you leave home until your return

  You can use any Medical Provider, any Medical Service, anywhere in the world

  All types of Medical Services are included

  No Deductible or Co-Insurance - Only an Affordable Co-Pay

Also, check-out our Universal Healthcare Plan. Pickleball Vacation & Trip Medical Cost Reimbursement is included.  Here's our offer, we'll beat the price for any Healthcare Plan you may have.  If we don't perform, we'll give you a free one year membership in Pickleball United.

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